Monday, June 22, 2009
Vegas Recap Part 3
I checked Poker Pages to get some insight into the players at my table, and then noted that Leo had already provided me a pretty good rundown of several of them. It was going to be a tough day for sure.
We repeated the room service and hanging out in the room start to the day. We got down to the Amazon Room about a half hour early. Just hung around by where the final table would be.
Sat down about 10 minutes before the start of Day 3 and unbagged and stacked my chips. The day started with me winning a couple small pots unchallenged. Typically we were seeing a raise and everyone folding, or a raise and a reraise / push and folding around. There were some really dubious calls of all ins. I wasn't invovled in any.
One memorable hand had me sitting in the BB with 8d 9d. It folded to Marco Johnson in the SB, who completed. The flop was 7d Td Js. Nice. I flop the nut str8 with an open ended str8 flush redraw. Marco made a min bet of 16K. I raised to 51K. Marco folded. In retrospect I may have played this hand too fast, and could have gotten more value by flatting the flop bet, and inducing a bet on the turn.
Joe Simmons who started the day as chip leader went card dead and didn't drag a pot through the first blind level. In fact, early in the second blind level he was sitting in the BB, and it folded around to the small blind (Jason Potter) who thought about raising, and then laid it down. Joe Simmons turned over KK and was apparently on "walk tilt".
Mike Eise is to my immediate left and is getting hit in the head with the deck. He's showing down monster hand after monster hand, and had more than tripled up to take the chip lead with 1.3 million, before my last hand.
With blinds of 10K / 20K and ante's of 3k I have 265K left. I'm in the BB and look down at 88. Joe Simmons raises under the gun to 55K. I reraise all in and get snap called by Mike Eise. Joe Simmons goes in the tank for a bit, and then folds AQ. I've got my money in good against Mike's AK. I was a 55 / 45 favorite preflop. Way behind on the flop of 4s As Kc. I picked up a flush draw on the turn to improve my odds to 23 / 77. No spade or 8 on the river, and I'm done.
I stood up and worked my way around the table congratulating all of the players. I waited for the floorman to give me my payout information. As I leave the area the One Outers and the folks following Mike Eiese are all congratulating me. It was a truly, truly awesome feeling. Somehow I managed to not break down in tears, although I was close.
We go to the payout area and it takes a while for us to go through the process. After we get paid out we head over for beer and appetizers at McFadden's Irish Pub. It was great to celebrate with everyone who made the trip. We then headedout to the pool for a dip before going to a great steak dinner that night at Voodoo Steak and Lounge at the top of the RIO.
I've played in only a handful of tournaments with a buy-in over $300, and managed to do well in most of them. Of the 7 tournaments that fit into this category, I've got this 21st place cash, a 9th place cash in Tulsa, a 2nd place cash at Choctaw, a 20th place cash at Winstar, and bubbled out of another Choctaw deepstack tournament. What I've learned about myself is this...I'm definitely a better tournament player than cash player, and the better the blind structure, the more it suits my play. What I've derived from this is that everyone plays the game differently. Everyone's A game is different. If I play my A game, which is tight and aggressive, as well as I can play it, I can do well. If I try to play someone elses style, say LAGgy, I'll never do as well as them. I need to stay in my comfort zone and play the game as well as I can play it. My style won't work for others who are Loose and Aggressive. But if they play their style, they'll be successful. So if I were to give anyone any advice I'd say explore everything, know the theory behind every action, never stop learning, but find the way you are most comfortable playing, and concentrate on playing that A game. And then I'll repeat what Tommy Angelo inscribed in my copy of The Elements of Poker. "You must be good at losing to be a good poker player".
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Vegas Recap (Part 2)
I begin the day with a very comfortable stack of 48K. My plan is to stay out of trouble until we fade the 57 players we need to, to get in the money. Once we get close to the bubble we play hand for hand. When a hand is finished at a table the dealer has to stand up. When all the dealers are standing, and we haven't lost anyone...they sit and deal the next hand. We only played hand for hand for a few hands. Once the bubble broke everyone cheered, and people started dropping right and left. When it burst, there was a player at the table next to me with 400 in chips. With 200 ante's he could only survive 2 more hands. He hung on to cash. We all congratulated him.
By now we were all in the Amazon Room. Merlotgirl and Nannuck were able to pull up chairs right outside the ropes where my table was. I was in seat 5, directly in front of the dealer, and Merlot and Nannuck were about 10 feet to my right.
The 1 (Norwegian Kid), 2 (Mats Gavatin)and 3 seats at my table were involved in an awful lot of pots. I survived by playing tight and picking my spots. Slowly my stack continued to grow. After a while Marco "Crazy Marco" Johnson gets moved to my table in seat 8 (at this point he is one of the chip leaders). Immediately to my left is Team Ultimatebet Pro Liv Boeree, and the eventual bracelet winner Mike Eise is in seat 7.
My three most memorable hands occur at this table. The first one requires a little back story. After Marco Johnson got to our table with a big stack he was using his stack liberally. One time in particular he reraised a player. When the player in seat 3 woke up with AA he pushed all in and Marco was forced to call. He tabled 6h 8h. Flopped an open ended str8 flush draw. Hit the flush on the turn...and the str8 flush on the river. This was the first hand we had seen him showdown. Several times before that I had called a standard raise with a pocket pair, hoping to see a flop, only to have Marco re-raise overbet significantly. We're down to 80 players or so and I call a standard raise with 88. Marco makes it significantly more than that on a overbet re-raise, and I decide I'll go with 88. He insta calls with KK...and I'm all but out of the Event. As the dealer places the burn card and stacks the flop before laying it out...Merlot can see before anyone else that the window card is an 8...and she almost passes out with a gasp. Marco doesn't improve and I dodge a huge bullet and suck out for the first and only time of the tournament.
After that hand I'm comfortably sitting on about 190K. And this hand happens. I have As Qs in middle position. Seat 1 he did about every third hand. I flat as does Mike Eise. Flop comes with 2 spades 1 checks...we both check behind. K of spades on the turn. Seat 1 bets. I raise 2 and a half times his bet. Mike Eise reraises me another 25K. I reraise all in and he tanks for a bit...and then folds. This hand gets me to around 270K.
Over several hours a couple hands had folded to me in the SB to find me holding 55 and 66. With Liv Boeree in the BB, I raised each time. The first time she pushed all in over the top...and I folded. The second time she did the same thing over my c-bet on the flop...and I folded even though I thougth I may have had her beat. I thought I would use her aggression against her in a better spot. I only had to wait about a half hour longer. I was in MP and looked at the red Aces. I raised 3x. Liv Boeree pushed allin over the top, everyone folded...and I insta call. She sees my AA and mutters "shit" as her AQ is way behind. With an A on the flop and no Q she's drawing dead. Third times the charm. That's the first pro I've ever knocked out that I'm aware of. Here's what Poker News, Bluff and the WSOP site had to say about that hand:
Boeree Busto
We quickly ran over to find Liv Boeree packing up her belongings. The outcome . . . she was all in preflop holding Ac Qc against Ad Ah and the board of As 9d 7h 5d Js would see her vacate the tournament floor for a nice $7,237 payday.
Adding Liv's stack to mine put me at about 370K. We played until 3Am and I survived the day with 345K. When we got down to the final 27 players we redrew for seats to play out the remaining 5 minutes of blind level 20. I once again drew the 5 seat. Mike Eise in the 6 Seat. Marco Johnson in the 4 Seat. The 2 chip leaders of the tournament Jason "JP OSU" Potter in the 9 seat and Joe Simmons in the 1 seat. Each with about 1 million. We played two hands in that 5 minutes. Both hands pitted Potter agaisnt Simmons. The first hand Simmons bluffed Potter on the turn and showed it. The next hand he bet Potter out of the hand on the turn as well. As we were bagging and tagging our chips Jason said "Hard to imagine being on tilt with almost a million chips, but i think I am".
For I don't know how long Nannuck, Pinkie, Counting Girl, Buck, Cupcake and Yogi with appearances from Kim and Gary, and Glenda, helped Dori sweat me until 3 AM. Even a couple I used to play with at The Abbey came by to lend support. It's pretty cool, and shows what an amazing group of friends we hang out with. I can't thank them enough. While I definitely want to be going deep again next year, if not, I sure want to be sweating several of them.
Which brings me to Merlotgirl. I don't think it's enough for me to say she's perfect for me in every way. Physically, emotionally, intellectually, competitively, and any other words you can think of that end in ly. She's also made my poker game a whole lot better. You're the best Pook.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Vegas Recap
I won't be able to tell all of the stories. People went and did their own thing a lot, and we'll just have to ask them to recount their experiences.
The Participants
Jim Coyle
Dori Coyle
Kevin Artman
Michelle Artman
Kurt Dohmann
Gail Dohmann
Doris Wagner
Mickey Preseisen
Janette Brown
Rob Watkins
Glenda Maddox
Kim Hartley
Gary Hartley
Also present were little Cade Hartley (watch out for him in the 2030 WSOP) and Kim's sister Andie, who watched Cade.
Everyone arrived at different times throughout the week. When Dori and I and the Dohmann's got there Friday we decided to get our seat assignment for the tournament the next day. I'm glad we did. The scene there is Poker Disney World. There were 2 Final Tables going on, another tournament in full swing, and the restart of Day 2 for another tournament. Throw on top of that the daily 2:00 PM Bracelet ceremony. It was definitely the center of the poker universe.
To anyone playing in a future event, I highly recommend getting there a day early so you can get the star gazing out of your system early. We spot Gavin Smith immediately. Then at the table next to him is Phil Ivey, and Sean Sheikhan (Sheiky). Dori almost runs over Daniel Negreneau.
We wander around for a while and get some autographs for my hat. John Juanda, Svetlana Gromenkova are the first two we get. Plenty more to come.
The entire group went out to dinner that night at Battista's Hole in the Wall. It's a neat little Italian eatery behind Bally's. We enjoyed the great food and the free wine. Made some friends from Montana and sang along with the accordion player who played "Take me out to the Ballgame".
After that it was time to get to bed and get some rest before Day One of Event #28.
Dori and I started the day with Room Service as we slowly got ready to play. Several of us then went to the Artman's room for some Yoga with Michelle. It was a great way to get ourselves ready for what hopefully will be a long day.
I get to my table about 15 minutes early and get situated. I'm at Table 158 in the Brasilia Room. Since they are expecting in the neighborhood of 2,700 players they use the Amazon, Brasilia and Miranda Rooms. The room starts to fill up with players and spectators alike. It's quite a scene. My first goal of the day is to make it out of my room. They are breaking tables into the Amazon Room.
As I sit there playing the third or fourth hand I look up to see David and Kelley from Varsity Club watching the table. They were there to see how we were doing. So a huge shout out to them for cheering us on. The first hand I win is with the 6d 7d. It's folded to me in the cutoff. I limp. SB completes and BB checks. Flop comes up 2 9 A. It checks to me. I bet 160 and they fold. Cool. I win my first hand at the WSOP and it's a bluff.
Blind levels are 60 minutes long, so there's plenty of time to just be patient and let others make mistakes. I run into a case of the second best hand syndrome, and go into the first break (every 2 blind levels) with only 1,700 in chips. At this point Doris has already doubled up and is sitting on 9,000.
We go back and blinds are 75 /150. With 11x BB's I'm pretty much in Push / Fold territory. I win a couple pots when I push with AJ, and KQ and get no callers. Now I have enough chips to go back to playing poker. Player to my right raises to 450. I reraise to 1,100 and player in the small blind pushes all in and has me covered. Player to my right folds QQ. I call, and am thrilled to see him turn over AQ. A K on the flop. And he's drawing dead. I'm doubled up.
During this blind level Dori gets moved to the table right next to mine. In fact she sits in the seat with her back to my back. It seems Bernard Grospelier "Elky" had busted out of that seat. Yes, the Elky who is leading pokerdom in POY points.
By the time we get to the second break I am no longer on life support. Doris is playing fantastic and is up to 26,000 and I'm out of the woods and well above average with 14,000.
I meet my first goal as we get our table moved in tact to the Amazon room. I'd hate to break this table up as I've got pretty good reads on some of the players, and my table image is set. When you play very few hands, you get respect when you raise. And that's what my image is.
When we get to Dinner break after 6 blind levels, there are only 3 of us left. Doris leading the way with 30,000. Me close behind with 28.000 and Mickey hanging in with 7,000. There are 846 left and average stack is 14,000. Doris and I are comfortably above average and Mickey is in push / fold mode.
By the time we go to our next break after 8 levels, it's down to Doris and I. Seconds before, Dori awarded Mickey with the $1100 "last man standing - not in the money" prize pool. Go Nannuck! So, Doris has 53,000 and I'm sitting on 26,000. We're still well above average stacks.
We're going to play 10 levels tonight, unless we can get down to the final 279 (which is the money). If it looks close we'll start another level. As luck would have it we don't get there that night. We end the night after 10 blind levels. 335 players left including Doris with 48,000 and me with 40,000.
Time for bed and to try and sleep before we kick it off again at 2:00 tomorrow.
It's one hell of a great time to make it to day 2 of a WSOP event. 2,638 players started, including some of the greatest players in the world (Ivan Demidov, David Levy, David "The Maven" Chicotsky. Brett Jungblut, Hevad Kahn, Thor Hansen, Liv Boeree, Pam Brunson, Jerry Buss, Svetlana Gromenkova, Allen Kessler, Thayer Rasmussen. Neil Channing, Humberto Brenes, Tom McEvoy, Maarco Johnson (who I predict will win a bracelet soon), JC Tran, Dennis Phillips, Ylon Scwartz, Amarillo Slim, Jason Mercier, etc...)
Monday, June 15, 2009
This is Soooo Much Fun!!!!
Somehow or other I've managed to finish Day 2 with 345,000 in chips good enough to be in 15th place with 27 players left. I'm gonna need some monster hands today. I'm at the same table as the 2 big stacks (around 1 million),
It has been an incredible experience. Merlotgirl has been pulling her hair out sweating me the last day. The rest of the One Outers hung out watching the action until 3am last night. What can you say but we hang with a terrific group of friends. Hopefully I'll manage to hang on a bit longer and sneak up the payout list a little more.
12 One Outers played in this Event. 2 cashed. That sure doesn't suck.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
On to Day 2
2,638 players started out yesterday. We're down to 327. 270 get paid. We need to fade 57 more players.
Cards will be in the air today at 2 PM PDT. Doris has 39,600 and will be the third biggest stack at her table. I'm at 47,500 and will be the third biggest stack at my table.
It's been an amazing experience. I'm sure I'll write a pretty detailed trip report at some point in time, but right now it's time to just hang out and relax before we go play again,
Saturday, June 13, 2009
The Hole In The Wall Gang
Breakfast in the room, watching a movie, Yoga with Yogi at 10:00, group photo op at 11:30 and cards in the air at high noon. Merlotgirl is crazy excited.
EndZone Dance has had a great trip so far winning 1,000 or so at the RIO and Orleans Poker Rooms. She then hit the bad beat last night and got a table share of $2,500.
We've got at least 11 of us playing in the event, and a $100 Last Man Standing Bet. The proceeds will go to the Last Man Standing that doesn't make the money.
I'll be Tweeting as often as I can, and giving updates on others after our breaks every couple hours.
Go Plano One-Outers!!!!!!
Friday, June 12, 2009
Ivey and Daniel and Jen Oh My!
The food was quite good. Merlotgirl had the BLT and I had a cheddar burger. he highlight for me was that they had Egg Cream Sodas. A New York delicacy it had been years since I've had one and it was excellent!!
Off to the Will Call area for tomorrow's Tournament. We had already sent our cashiers checks, and registered weeks ago. Today we picked up our Seat Assignments, and food voucher ($10). I'm at Table 168 in the Brasilia Room. Merlotgirl is a few tables away at Table 186. We decide to go to the Brasilia Room and check out the logistics. As soon as we walk in the room Merlotgirl spots Jeffrey Lisandro. We walk around the perimeter of Event 25 Omaha/7 card Stud 8 or better. There's Sean Sheikhan (Sheiky). And at that table is Gavin Smith....and holy crap going to sit at his table is Phil Ivey...30 feet from us. This is very exciting. Merlotgirl goes off to the ladies room and on her way back in she almost runs into Daniel Negreanu. This is really pretty cool!
My favorite poker blogger has a bit he does where he lists the last 5 poker pros he's peed next to. I don't want to steal that we're going to go with the last 5 pros we almost ran over(or at least were pretty close to).
1 -David Benyamine
2- John Juanda
3- Daniel Negraneau
4-Jennifer Harmon
5- Svetlana Gromenkova
I'm getting autographs on my One Outer Baseball Cap. So far:
- John Juanda
- Svetlana Gromenkova
More to to dinner now.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
The Loneliest #
The advance scouting team has touched down in Vegas (Pinky, Nanuck, EndZone Dance and RJonTilt) We received some intel last night from Pinky and Nanuck. The most surprising thing was that Nanuck reports the flight was great. He doesn't like to fly. We attribute the great flight to the vodka that was imbibed at home, at the airport, and on board the plane.
Our reporters tell us that once they got to baggage claim, Nanuck was a bit surprised to find a limo driver holding a sign with Pinky's name on it. It seems Pinky hooked up a limo ride from the airport to the hotel. They drove out to the "Las Vegas" sign for some pictures, and then cruised around town for a bit while they polished off a bottle of champagne! Nice Touch!!!
No word yet if the $20 trick worked or not. With the Rio being an all suite hotel, and the upgraded suites being in extremely short supply, the best we can hope for is to get in the nerwly renovated Ipanema Tower.
There were many big time pros spotted. It was day 1 of the $10,000 Buy-In Deuce to Seven Lowball Tournament. This game is not played by amatuers, and virtually all of the 96 entrants were very recognizable. Durr, Helmuth and Negreanu are Day 1 casualties as 60 of the 96 make it through to day 2 which starts up again at 2:00 PDT. Amongst the chip leaders are Roland DeWolfe, John Juanda and Tim Phan. ( A side note about Tim Phan...or any Phan, Than, Fam or Nguyen....Merlotgirl says she would really rather not play at their table. Can you get a table change?).
Tonights schedule is to drop the Blondes off at Bo's Bunkhouse for the week at the Spa, go to dinner at Breadwinners (it is half price martini night!!!! woohoo) and pack. (Somehow or other I think online poker will get played tonight too). Our Chauffeur (Buck Nekkid Jr.) and his parents will be over to pick us up at 6:00AM! We will have the Mimosa's ready!!!!
Viva Las Vegas!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
2 More Sleeps!!!
There will be cocktails at McFaddens Irish Pub at the Rio starting @ 6:30, followed by a great Italian meal at Battista's Hole in the Wall. The free carafes of wine will be flowing as we toast to our friendship, comaraderie and hopefully, good luck.
It sure would be a lot of fun to see a cavalcade of One-Outers cash in this tournament. If anyone goes deep the cheering section could get a bit rowdy, and most definitely tipsy.
Latest events transpiring is that I've set up a Twitter account so that I can post to the blog remotely during the event. I'll update lengthy posts when I can, but I'll Tweet far more often, so that anyone wanting to keep up with our exploits will be able to do so. There's a Twitter link over on the right >>>>>>>>>
Here's a link to Kid Poker's latest V-Blog. He's having a great run at the WSOP so far.
Raw Vegas Video
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
All I hope is that I play my A game...whatever that is. If I do that, I'll enjoy this tournament more than any other I've ever played. The experience is going to be fantastic!
You really should watch this little video I've attached regarding the 40 Years of the WSOP.
It shows you how it was back in the beginning.
40 Years of WSOP - Part 1 of 3 - Video - Poker News
Shared via AddThis
Monday, June 8, 2009
We've customized our shirts with iron on patches on each sleeve. A Royal Flush on the left sleeve, and either the number 6 or 9 on the right sleeve. That represents the number conveyed upon us by The High Holy Tribunal of Plano One-Outers. (Nanuck and Cupcake, as it were). I've also customized my cap with a shamrock in the back middle. We've also picked up some Paint Pens for getting autographs of any famous Pokerati we may end up seeing. We've got one or two more errands to run, and then it's just wait until we leave.
It looked as if Kid Poker was going to win a bracelet in the 6 handed Limit Poker Event concluded yesterday. He began heads up play with a substantial chip lead, but fell short. losing to Bock Parker. While he didn't win, I think that's Daniel's 3rd cash so far this year.
Watch Daniel Negreanu and Phil Hellmuth Catch Up on
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Six days!
Well, we are 6 days from Vegas and the 2009 WSOP!
I am crazy excited. We are both reading all the WSOP blogs and posts.
I would highly recommend You can watch video blogs from all your favorite players. And click on the right hand side to Tao of Poker link to read a fun 2009 WSOP fashion blog.
I have been really thinking about what we will chant to support the teammates that get to the final table of our event.
I know that the Plano One Outers can chant something better than "POO!" so here is my suggestion:
Ready, okay
We're fired up
We're sizzlin'
Turnin up the heat
When it comes to poker,
POO can't be beat!
What do you think?
I'm out.
Friday, June 5, 2009
One Week
Most recent WSOP News has Phil Ivey winning his 6th Bracelet. It was at No Limit Deuce to Seven Lowball (Single Draw). The idea being to get the lowest hand that isn't a str8, flush or pair. That being said the stone cold nuts is 7 5 4 3 2. There were 147 entries in this $2,500 event and Ivey won $96,361. That number pales in comparison to the most likely $10 Million plus he won in bracelet Prop bets. Amongst others he and Daniel Negreanu have a standing $200,000 bracelet bet. Loser pays winner, only if they were both entered in the same event.
Cha-Ching Phil!!!
Thursday, June 4, 2009

8 more days until we're in Vegas. I'm not sure we can get much more exctied than we already are. Although each day brings us that much closer to being there.
I sure hope we see a final table full of these hats in the Amazon Room, the evening of Monday, June 15th. Go POO!!!!!!!!
I've just finished reading the rules and can let y'all know the following.
- The RIO will make you fill out a tax form if you win in excees of $5,000 more net of buy-in. So when we all cash for $6,500 we all have to fill out those troublesome forms.
- At a televised final table there can be no more than 3 players with the same Logos on their apparel. This could be a huge problem if they decide to televise the Final Table of our event and there are 9 of us at it with our caps and shirts on.
- Your card capper must be no larger than 2 inches in diameter and 1/2 inch in depth. You may have no food or drinks on the table, except for one capped bottle of water.
- All chips must be visible at all times. Don't put them in your pocket, or you will lose them.
- When they move you from one table to another, you can be placed in the big blind, the small blind or on the button. The only place you can't be moved to is in between the button and the small blind.
- A dealer cannot kill a winning hand that was turned up and was obviously the winning hand. Players are encouraged to assist in reading tabled hands if it appears an error is going to be made.
- Dealers will not count the pot for you. They will spread the pot if you ask them to.
- Cell phones must be on silent mode. if you use your cell phone you must move away from the table or risk penalty.
- Ipods and MP3 players are allowed at the tables until you reach the money. Once in the money no electronic devices are allowed. Also, and Blackberries, Iphones, Treos, or other devices that can be used to access the internet are prohibited, even if being used as an MP3 player.
For some strange reason I keep hearing Carly Simon singing "Anticipation" in the background.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The excitement builds.
Event #2 ends today. That is the $1,000 Buy-in Event that they've called the Stimulus Package. Some are calling it the Donkulus Tournament. That's what you get when you combine 6,000 donkeys and a stimulus, reduced buy-in tournament. "Get your WSOP Bracelet...33% off". If this one is a Donkulus Tournament what the heck do we call free poker tournaments? I'll take any suggestions under advisement. I'm partial to a combination of Free and Donkey which works out to be Freekey Tournaments. But I digress. Back to the matter at hand. The picture on this post is of a table they had to set up in the hallway by Buzio's Restaraunt. They had to fill every nook and cranny to accomodate the crowd.
The question of the day is how many players will there be in Event #28. They usually schedule these $1,500 Buy-In Tournaments to start on Saturday so that they get more players who are planning vacations involved. That being said the very first $1,500 Buy-in No Limit Hold'em Event of the 2009 WOSP, Event #7, started yesterday. There were 2,791 players to start, and they played 10 blind levels and are down to 338. It will be a short trip to the money today, when players return to the felt at 2 PM PDT as 297 will get paid.
Hellmuth didn't make it to the dinner break. Either did Freddy Deeb, Jesus, John Juanda, Justin Bonomo, Jean Robert Bellande (of Survivor fame) or Vanessa Russo. Hopefully all of the One-Outers make it to dinner.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009
T - Minus 10 days and Counting
Allegedly there was anywhere from $2,000 to $50,000 bet on this scooter race. And that's just what Slim and Doyle had on it. There was supposedly a lot of prop action in the crowd including several people taking Slim and giving Doyle 4 seconds. The results were Slim in 50.28 seconds, and Doyle in 55 second flat. Just shows you the oddsmakers know how to handicap these things.
Watch Doyle Brunson vs Amarillo Slim Scooter Race at the 2009 WSOP on
Monday, June 1, 2009
Crusade to Poker Mecca

Well, it has been ages since I've posted here. That's changing now. We're coming up to a very exciting time. Our dear friends Evil Debbie and Cupcake have ventured out to Vegas the past two years to play in one of the WSOP $1,500 Buy-In No Limit Hold'em Bracelet Events. The time has come for us to join them in this trek. As a matter of fact, it's not just Merlotgirl and I joining them, but a plethora of friends are going on this adventure. 13 in all. A baker's dozen. I'm not sure how many of us are playing in Event #28, but it's looking like at least 10. Maybe all 13. Hopefully the Final Table will be full of us sporting those very fancy Plano One-Outer Poker Shirts. They'll be all the rage!!
The roll call of brave souls venturing on this odyssey are as follows:
- Evil Debbie
- Cupcake
- RJonTilt
- EndZoneDance
- Buck Nekkid
- Counting Girl
- Nanuck
- Pinky
- Kim (we really need to get nicknames for Kim and Gary)
- Gary H.
- Cast Iron Butterfly
- Merlotgirl
- Shamrock
The event starts at Noon PDT on Saturday, June 13th. Members of the team will be arriving throughout the week preceding the event. Some arriving as early as Wednesday the 10th. Others, such as Kim, Gary, Buck, Counting Girl, Merlotgirl and myself arriving a scant 24 hours before the cards are in the air.
In a similar event last year (Event #27) there were 2,706 starters. In the 10th hour of play they broke the bubble (top 270) and finished the day at 224 players. Day 2 they played down to the final 2 tables. The eventual winner was Vitaly Lunkin. He pocketed $628,417 for his efforts. Yesterday, that very same Vitaly Lunkin won his 2nd WSOP Bracelet by beating 200 other players in the largest buy-in ($40,000) No Limit Hold'em event ever sponsored by the WSOP. (The $50,000 HORSE is a mixed/limit game).
This past Saturday we had a little warm-up tournament at our house for this event. We started with 4,500 in chips and played 60 minute blinds for the first 4 blind levels. Due to space restrictions we limited participation to 25 players, rather than 2,706. Nevertheless, the tournament progressed about the same as Event 27 did. We ended up paying the top 5. And had to reduce the blind levels to 45 minutes for levels 6-8. And then to 30 minutes for the remaining levels. In Event 27 last year the bubble burst in Level 10. At the warm-up on Saturday the bubble burst in the same level, when Ms. America got all her chips in and lost. Soon after that Kevin McD. took 5th. We played another blind level or 2 with chips just moving around the table. Leo could barely see over his huge stack. The other 4 players decided to concede victory to Leo, and chop 2nd, 3rd and 4th.
- 1st - Leo $490
- 2nd - Counting Girl $230
- 2nd - Evil Debbie $230
- 2nd - Gumba $230
- 5th - Kevin McD. $ 70
The long structure, and ante's after level 4 were something a lot of us had never experienced and it was a lot of fun to see everyone play much, much tighter than in the normal turbo, or super turbo games we've become used to. It is a totally different game.
I'm announcing right now that if Merlotgirl or I win this thing and bring home some WSOP bling, drinks are on us at Varsity Club. The tournament will be a terriffic experience and spending several days in Vegas with a great group of friends will be an annual pilgrimage we'll be looking to expand upon next year.
Follow the progress of the Plano One-Outers misadventures in Vegas right here!! I'll be trying to update daily from Sin City, and I'll be relying on our team of reporters to provide information for all of those inquiring minds who just need to know.
Viva Las Vegas!!